Captivating appearance new york times

Here are some articles and quotes from The New York Times that highlight the concept of "captivating appearance":

  1. "The Power of Attractive People" (2019): This article discusses how attractive people are more likely to be successful, get hired, and even live longer. The author notes that "attractive people are more likely to be perceived as competent, trustworthy, and likable."
  2. "The Science of Beauty" (2018): This article explores the psychology of beauty and how our brains respond to attractive faces. The author writes, "When we see a beautiful face, our brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward."
  3. "The Captivating Power of a Smile" (2017): This article highlights the impact of a smile on our perception of others. The author notes that "a smile can be a powerful tool for building connections and fostering a sense of community."
  4. "The Psychology of Physical Attraction" (2016): This article discusses the evolutionary roots of physical attraction and how our brains respond to certain physical characteristics. The author writes, "Attractive people are more likely to be perceived as healthy, strong, and fertile, which can increase their chances of survival and reproduction."
  5. "The Beauty of Imperfection" (2019): This article challenges the traditional notion of beauty and argues that imperfections can be just as captivating as perfection. The author notes that "beauty is not just about physical appearance, but also about personality, character, and inner beauty."

Some notable quotes from The New York Times on the topic of captivating appearance include:

These articles and quotes highlight the complex and multifaceted nature of captivating appearance, and how it can impact our perceptions of others and ourselves.