Capsicum new line

You're referring to the new line of capsicums!

Capsicums, also known as bell peppers, are a popular vegetable that comes in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Here are some new and exciting developments in the world of capsicums:

  1. New Colors: Breeders have been working on creating new colors and shades of capsicums. Some of the latest additions include:
    • Purple capsicums: These have a deep, rich purple color and a slightly sweeter flavor than traditional green bell peppers.
    • Yellow-orange capsicums: These have a vibrant, sunny color and a slightly smoky flavor.
    • Red-orange capsicums: These have a deep, burnt orange color and a slightly sweet and smoky flavor.
  2. New Shapes: Capsicums are no longer just the traditional bell shape. Breeders have created new shapes, such as:
    • Cubic capsicums: These have a square or cube-like shape and are great for snacking or adding to salads.
    • Mini capsicums: These are smaller than traditional bell peppers and are perfect for snacking or adding to sandwiches.
    • Spiral capsicums: These have a spiral or twisted shape and are great for adding a pop of color to salads or pasta dishes.
  3. New Varieties: There are many new varieties of capsicums being developed, each with its own unique characteristics. Some examples include:
    • 'Sweetie' capsicums: These have a sweet, slightly smoky flavor and a crunchy texture.
    • 'Fiery' capsicums: These have a spicy, fiery flavor and are great for adding heat to dishes.
    • 'Sweet Heat' capsicums: These have a sweet, slightly smoky flavor and a moderate level of heat.
  4. New Growing Methods: With the rise of urban agriculture and vertical farming, new methods are being developed to grow capsicums. Some examples include:
    • Hydroponic capsicums: These are grown in water rather than soil and can be harvested in as little as 60 days.
    • Aeroponic capsicums: These are grown in a mist of water and nutrients and can be harvested in as little as 60 days.
    • Vertical capsicums: These are grown on trellises or walls, making them perfect for small spaces or urban gardens.

These are just a few examples of the new and exciting developments in the world of capsicums. Whether you're a farmer, chef, or home cook, there's never been a better time to get creative with these delicious and versatile vegetables!