Capital fm kenya news

Capital FM Kenya is a popular radio station in Kenya that provides news, entertainment, and lifestyle content to its listeners. Here are some of the latest news updates from Capital FM Kenya:


  1. Kenya's COVID-19 cases rise to 103,000: The Ministry of Health has reported a surge in COVID-19 cases, with 103,000 confirmed cases and 1,800 deaths. (Source: Capital FM Kenya)
  2. Uhuru Kenyatta to address nation on COVID-19: President Uhuru Kenyatta is set to address the nation on the COVID-19 pandemic, providing updates on the government's response to the crisis. (Source: Capital FM Kenya)
  3. Kenya's economy to contract by 2.5%: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has projected that Kenya's economy will contract by 2.5% due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: Capital FM Kenya)
  4. Kenya's education sector to reopen in January: The Ministry of Education has announced that schools will reopen in January, with strict COVID-19 protocols in place. (Source: Capital FM Kenya)
  5. Kenya's tourism industry to recover slowly: The Kenya Tourism Board has predicted that the tourism industry will take time to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, with a slow growth rate expected in the next few years. (Source: Capital FM Kenya)


  1. New music from Sauti Sol: The popular Kenyan boy band Sauti Sol has released a new single, "Azambezi", which is gaining popularity on music streaming platforms. (Source: Capital FM Kenya)
  2. Kenyan actress to star in new Netflix series: Kenyan actress, Lupita Nyong'o, is set to star in a new Netflix series, "The 355", alongside other international stars. (Source: Capital FM Kenya)
  3. Kenya's Got Talent winner to perform at concert: The winner of Kenya's Got Talent, DJ Adasa, will perform at a concert in Nairobi, featuring other popular artists. (Source: Capital FM Kenya)


  1. Kenya's best restaurants for a romantic dinner: Capital FM Kenya has compiled a list of the best restaurants in Kenya for a romantic dinner, including popular spots in Nairobi and other major cities. (Source: Capital FM Kenya)
  2. Kenya's top fitness trends for 2022: The fitness industry in Kenya is expected to grow in 2022, with trends such as virtual fitness classes and personalized training programs gaining popularity. (Source: Capital FM Kenya)
  3. Kenya's best coffee shops: Capital FM Kenya has reviewed the best coffee shops in Kenya, including popular spots in Nairobi and other major cities. (Source: Capital FM Kenya)

These are just a few of the latest news updates from Capital FM Kenya. The radio station provides a wide range of content, including news, entertainment, and lifestyle updates, to its listeners.