Cant copy flow chart to a new doc

It's possible that you're experiencing issues copying a flowchart from one document to another. Here are a few potential solutions to help you achieve this:

  1. Copy and paste as an image: Right-click on the flowchart in the original document, select "Copy" or "Copy as image," and then go to the new document. Right-click and select "Paste" or "Paste as image." This will copy the flowchart as an image, which you can then resize and reposition as needed.
  2. Use the "Copy" and "Paste Special" options: In the original document, select the flowchart and press "Ctrl+C" (or "Cmd+C" on a Mac) to copy it. Then, go to the new document and press "Ctrl+V" (or "Cmd+V" on a Mac) to paste it. Right-click on the pasted content and select "Paste Special" > "Microsoft Office Drawing Object" (or "Picture" if you're using a different software). This will preserve the flowchart's formatting and layout.
  3. Use a screenshot tool: If the above methods don't work, you can try using a screenshot tool like Snagit, Snipping Tool, or Skitch to capture the flowchart as an image. Then, you can copy and paste the image into the new document.
  4. Re-create the flowchart: If none of the above methods work, you may need to re-create the flowchart from scratch in the new document. You can use the same software or tool you used to create the original flowchart, or try a different one.

If you're using a specific software or tool to create your flowcharts, please let me know, and I'll do my best to provide more tailored solutions.