Cant connect to new replica set master ...

The infamous "can't connect to new replica set master" error!

This error typically occurs when a MongoDB replica set is being initialized or reconfigured, and the client (e.g., your application) is trying to connect to the new primary node, but it's not yet ready to accept connections.

Here are some common causes and potential solutions:

  1. Replica set is still in the process of electing a new primary: When a replica set is being initialized or reconfigured, it may take some time for the nodes to agree on a new primary. Try waiting for a few minutes and then retrying the connection.
  2. New primary node is not yet ready to accept connections: When a new primary node is elected, it may not be immediately ready to accept connections. Try checking the node's status using the rs.status() command in the MongoDB shell.
  3. Network issues or firewall rules: Ensure that the client and the replica set nodes can communicate with each other. Check your network configuration and firewall rules to ensure that they are not blocking the connection.
  4. Incorrect replica set configuration: Double-check your replica set configuration to ensure that it is correct and consistent across all nodes. Verify that the replica set name, nodes, and configuration settings are correct.
  5. Node is not yet in the replica set: If you're trying to connect to a new node that has just been added to the replica set, it may not be yet part of the set. Try waiting for a few minutes and then retrying the connection.

To troubleshoot this issue, you can try the following:

  1. Check the replica set status using the rs.status() command in the MongoDB shell.
  2. Verify that the new primary node is ready to accept connections using the rs.status() command.
  3. Check the node's logs for any errors or issues that may be preventing it from accepting connections.
  4. Try connecting to the replica set using the mongo command with the --host and --port options to specify the new primary node.
  5. If you're using a driver or library to connect to the replica set, try updating to the latest version or checking the driver's documentation for any known issues.

If none of these solutions work, please provide more details about your replica set configuration, the error message you're seeing, and any relevant logs or output, and I'll do my best to help you troubleshoot the issue!