Canon launched naija story photograph campaign

I think you meant to say "Canon launched Naija Story Photography Campaign".

Yes, that's correct! Canon, a leading camera and imaging equipment manufacturer, recently launched the "Naija Story" photography campaign in Nigeria. The campaign aims to celebrate the beauty and diversity of Nigerian culture, people, and landscapes through photography.

The campaign encourages Nigerian photographers to share their stories and perspectives through photographs, showcasing the country's vibrant culture, traditions, and daily life. The goal is to promote cultural exchange, understanding, and appreciation, while also highlighting the importance of photography as a medium for storytelling and self-expression.

As part of the campaign, Canon is providing training and mentorship opportunities for Nigerian photographers, as well as offering prizes and recognition for the best submissions. The campaign is expected to run for several months, with a grand finale event to showcase the selected photographs and announce the winners.

The "Naija Story" campaign is a great initiative that celebrates Nigerian culture and creativity, while also promoting the art of photography and its ability to tell powerful stories.