Canon 80d for sale brand new ebay

A great camera!

Yes, you can find brand new Canon EOS 80D cameras for sale on eBay. Here are some tips to help you find a good deal:

  1. Check the seller's ratings: Make sure the seller has a high rating (95% or higher) and a large number of positive reviews. This ensures that you're buying from a reputable seller.
  2. Look for "brand new" and "sealed": Make sure the camera is listed as "brand new" and "sealed" to ensure it's still in its original packaging and has never been used.
  3. Check the price: Compare prices from different sellers to ensure you're getting a good deal. The average price for a brand new Canon EOS 80D is around $1,000-$1,200.
  4. Check for any additional items: Some sellers may include additional items like a camera bag, lens, or accessories. Make sure you're only paying for the camera itself.
  5. Read the description carefully: Check the camera's specifications, warranty, and any other details mentioned in the description.

Here are some examples of brand new Canon EOS 80D cameras for sale on eBay:

Remember to always check the seller's ratings and reviews before making a purchase, and make sure you're buying from a reputable seller.