Canoga park high school news

Canoga Park High School is a public high school located in Canoga Park, California, and here are some recent news and updates about the school:

News Articles:

  1. "Canoga Park High School's Robotics Team Wins Regional Competition" - The Canoga Park High School robotics team, the "Chargers," won the regional competition in the FIRST Robotics Competition, advancing to the state championships. (Source: LA Daily News, March 2023)
  2. "Canoga Park High School's Music Program Receives Grant" - The school's music program received a grant from the Los Angeles Unified School District to support its music education programs, including the school's choir, band, and orchestra. (Source: LA Times, February 2023)
  3. "Canoga Park High School's Student Government Association Hosts Charity Event" - The school's Student Government Association hosted a charity event, "Taste of CP," which raised over $1,000 for the school's food bank and other local charities. (Source: The Valley Star, January 2023)

Upcoming Events:

  1. "Canoga Park High School's Spring Fling" - The school's annual Spring Fling event will take place on May 20th, featuring live music, food, and games. (Source: Canoga Park High School website)
  2. "Canoga Park High School's Prom" - The school's prom will take place on May 14th, with tickets available for purchase through the school's student government association. (Source: Canoga Park High School website)
  3. "Canoga Park High School's Graduation Ceremony" - The school's graduation ceremony will take place on June 17th, with details to be announced soon. (Source: Canoga Park High School website)

Sports Updates:

  1. "Canoga Park High School's Baseball Team Wins League Championship" - The school's baseball team won the league championship, advancing to the CIF-SS Division 4 playoffs. (Source: LA Daily News, May 2023)
  2. "Canoga Park High School's Softball Team Advances to CIF-SS Playoffs" - The school's softball team advanced to the CIF-SS Division 4 playoffs, with a first-round game scheduled for May 18th. (Source: The Valley Star, May 2023)
  3. "Canoga Park High School's Track and Field Team Competes in League Finals" - The school's track and field team competed in the league finals, with several athletes advancing to the CIF-SS championships. (Source: Canoga Park High School website)

Please note that these are just a few examples of recent news and updates about Canoga Park High School, and there may be more information available on the school's website or through local news sources.