Cannot resolve symbol new activity android studio

The classic "cannot resolve symbol" error in Android Studio!

The error "cannot resolve symbol 'new Activity'" typically occurs when Android Studio is unable to find the Activity class or the new keyword. Here are some common solutions to resolve this issue:

  1. Check the import statement: Make sure you have imported the Activity class correctly. Add the following line at the top of your Java file:
  2. Verify the Activity class: Ensure that you have defined an Activity class in your project. If you're trying to create a new activity, make sure you have created a new Java class that extends Activity.
  3. Check for typos: Double-check that you haven't made any typos in your code. The new keyword and the Activity class name should be spelled correctly.
  4. Clean and rebuild the project: Sometimes, Android Studio's cache can get out of sync. Try cleaning and rebuilding your project by going to Build > Clean Project and then Build > Rebuild Project.
  5. Check for conflicts with other libraries: If you're using other libraries or dependencies in your project, they might be conflicting with the Activity class. Try excluding the conflicting libraries or updating them to the latest version.
  6. Restart Android Studio: If none of the above solutions work, try restarting Android Studio. Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve the issue.
  7. Check the Android SDK version: Ensure that your Android SDK version is compatible with the Activity class. You can check the Android SDK version by going to File > Project Structure > SDK Location.
  8. Try using the full qualified name: Instead of using the new keyword, try using the full qualified name of the Activity class: activity = new;

    If none of these solutions work, please provide more details about your project, such as the Android Studio version, the Java version, and the exact error message you're seeing.