Canine companions fallout new vegas

Canine companions in Fallout: New Vegas! Yes, you can have a loyal pup by your side as you explore the Mojave Wasteland. Here's a rundown on how to get and train your own canine companion:

Getting a Canine Companion:

  1. Wild Mutts: You can find wild mutts roaming the wasteland, especially in areas with high radiation levels. These mutts are usually hostile, but you can try to befriend them by approaching them slowly and carefully.
  2. Adopting from the Followers of the Apocalypse: The Followers of the Apocalypse, a faction in the game, have a "Mutant Dog" that you can adopt. To get the dog, you'll need to complete a quest for the Followers, which involves helping them with a problem in the New Vegas Strip.
  3. Buying from a Vendor: Some vendors, like the one at the Goodsprings General Store, sell dogs as companions. These dogs are usually already trained and can be a good option if you're short on time.

Training Your Canine Companion:

  1. Basic Commands: You can teach your dog basic commands like "Stay," "Come," and "Attack" by interacting with them and selecting the corresponding option.
  2. Combat Training: You can train your dog to fight alongside you by engaging in combat and having your dog attack enemies. The more your dog fights, the more effective they'll become.
  3. Perks: As your dog levels up, they'll gain perks that improve their abilities, such as increased damage output or improved health.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Keep Your Dog Healthy: Make sure to feed and heal your dog regularly to keep them healthy and happy.
  2. Keep an Eye on Your Dog's Morale: If your dog's morale drops too low, they might abandon you. Keep an eye on their morale and try to keep it high by giving them treats and praise.
  3. Use Your Dog Strategically: Use your dog's abilities to your advantage in combat. For example, you can use them to distract enemies or take out weak targets.
  4. Be Careful with Your Dog's Health: Your dog can take damage in combat, so be careful not to let them get too hurt. You can use stimpaks or other healing items to keep them healthy.

Overall, having a canine companion in Fallout: New Vegas can be a great way to add some companionship and fun to your gameplay experience. Just remember to take care of your furry friend and use their abilities wisely!