Cancelled post utme news 2018

Here are some news updates on the cancellation of Post-UTME exams in Nigeria for the 2018/2019 academic session:

University of Lagos (UNILAG): The University of Lagos cancelled its Post-UTME screening exercise for the 2018/2019 academic session, citing the need to reduce the stress and financial burden on students.

University of Benin (UNIBEN): The University of Benin also cancelled its Post-UTME screening exercise, citing the need to streamline the admission process and reduce the financial burden on students.

University of Ibadan (UI): The University of Ibadan cancelled its Post-UTME screening exercise, citing the need to adopt a more efficient and cost-effective admission process.

Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA): The Federal University of Technology, Akure cancelled its Post-UTME screening exercise, citing the need to reduce the stress and financial burden on students.

University of Abuja: The University of Abuja cancelled its Post-UTME screening exercise, citing the need to adopt a more efficient and cost-effective admission process.

Other universities: Many other universities in Nigeria also cancelled their Post-UTME screening exercises for the 2018/2019 academic session, citing similar reasons.

Reasons for cancellation: The reasons for the cancellation of Post-UTME exams varied, but common reasons included:

Alternative admission processes: In place of Post-UTME exams, many universities adopted alternative admission processes, such as:

These alternative processes aimed to ensure that students were admitted based on their academic merit and potential, rather than their ability to perform well in a separate exam.