Canadian immigration news nairametrics

Here are some recent Canadian immigration news articles from Nairametrics:

1. Canada to accept 401,000 new permanent residents in 2023

According to a report by Nairametrics, Canada has announced plans to accept 401,000 new permanent residents in 2023, a significant increase from the 2022 target of 381,000. The country aims to welcome more skilled workers, family members, and refugees to address labor shortages and demographic challenges. [Source: Nairametrics, October 2022]

2. Canada introduces new pathway for international students to become permanent residents

Nairametrics reported that Canada has introduced a new pathway for international students to become permanent residents. The new program, called the "Pathway to Permanent Residency for International Students," will allow eligible students to apply for permanent residency after completing their studies in Canada. [Source: Nairametrics, September 2022]

3. Canada's Express Entry system to undergo changes to reduce processing times

According to Nairametrics, Canada's Express Entry system, which manages applications for permanent residency, is set to undergo changes to reduce processing times. The changes aim to improve the efficiency of the system and reduce wait times for applicants. [Source: Nairametrics, August 2022]

4. Canada to offer more permanent residency spots to caregivers

Nairametrics reported that Canada is set to offer more permanent residency spots to caregivers, including home child care providers and home support workers. The move aims to address labor shortages in the healthcare sector and provide more opportunities for foreign workers to settle in Canada. [Source: Nairametrics, July 2022]

5. Canada's immigration minister announces plans to increase refugee intake

According to Nairametrics, Canada's Immigration Minister, Sean Fraser, has announced plans to increase the country's refugee intake. The minister aims to welcome more refugees and asylum seekers, particularly from countries such as Afghanistan and Ukraine. [Source: Nairametrics, June 2022]

These are just a few examples of recent Canadian immigration news articles from Nairametrics. If you're interested in learning more, I can provide you with additional articles or updates on Canadian immigration policies and news.