Canada visa news for indian

Here are some recent updates and news related to Canada visa for Indians:

Recent Changes:

  1. Express Entry System: Canada has introduced an Express Entry system for skilled workers, which allows Indian citizens to apply for permanent residency in Canada. The system prioritizes applications based on factors like age, education, language skills, and work experience.
  2. Multiple Entry Visa: Canada has introduced a multiple-entry visa for Indian citizens, allowing them to enter Canada multiple times within a specific period.
  3. E-Visa: Canada has launched an electronic visa (e-Visa) system for Indian citizens, which allows them to apply for a visa online and receive an electronic visa within a few days.

Recent News:

  1. Canada's Immigration Levels Plan: Canada has announced its immigration levels plan for 2023, which includes a target of 465,000 new permanent residents, including 43,000 from India.
  2. New Pilot Program: Canada has launched a new pilot program, the "Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program," which allows Indian citizens to apply for permanent residency in Atlantic Canada.
  3. Increased Processing Time: Canada has increased the processing time for Indian visa applications due to a high volume of applications.

Tips and Insights:

  1. Language Skills: Proficiency in English or French is essential for Indian citizens applying for a Canada visa. IELTS or CELPIP scores are accepted for language proficiency.
  2. Education: Indian citizens with a recognized degree or diploma from a Canadian institution may be eligible for a Canada visa.
  3. Work Experience: Relevant work experience in a field related to the job or occupation in Canada can increase the chances of getting a Canada visa.
  4. Family Ties: Indian citizens with family ties in Canada, such as a spouse or parent, may be eligible for a Canada visa.
  5. Visa Application Centers: Indian citizens can submit their visa applications at the Canada Visa Application Centers in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How long does it take to process a Canada visa application from India? The processing time for a Canada visa application from India typically takes 12-16 weeks, but it may vary depending on the type of visa and the volume of applications.
  2. What is the cost of a Canada visa application from India? The cost of a Canada visa application from India varies depending on the type of visa and the applicant's circumstances. The basic application fee is CAD 150 (approximately INR 9,000).
  3. Can I apply for a Canada visa online from India? Yes, Indian citizens can apply for a Canada visa online through the official Government of Canada website or through a licensed immigration consultant.

I hope this information helps!