Canada to no longer pay for harry meghan security

Yes, it was announced in March 2020 that the Canadian government would no longer be paying for the security costs of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, when they are in Canada.

Prior to this announcement, the Canadian government had been covering the security costs of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex when they were in Canada, as they had been living in Vancouver Island, British Columbia, since January 2019. However, in January 2020, it was reported that the Canadian government had informed the couple that they would no longer be covering the costs of their security detail.

The decision was reportedly made due to the fact that the couple had decided to step back from their royal duties and pursue a more private life, and the Canadian government felt that it was no longer necessary to provide them with security protection.

It's worth noting that the couple still has a home in Canada, and they have stated that they plan to return to the country in the future. However, it's unclear at this time whether they will be able to afford the security costs themselves, or if they will be able to find alternative arrangements.