Canada lske new york time

I think you meant to ask "Does Canada like New York Times?"

Well, Canada and the New York Times have a long-standing relationship. The New York Times is a widely respected and influential international newspaper, and many Canadians read and follow it for news, analysis, and commentary.

In fact, the New York Times has a significant following in Canada, particularly among English-speaking Canadians. Many Canadian news organizations, including major dailies like The Globe and Mail and The Toronto Star, often reference or republish articles from the New York Times.

Additionally, the New York Times has a strong presence in Canada through its digital platforms, including and the NYT app. Many Canadians subscribe to the New York Times online or through their mobile devices, allowing them to access the newspaper's content from anywhere in the country.

So, to answer your question, it's fair to say that Canada has a strong appreciation for the New York Times, and many Canadians enjoy reading and following the newspaper for its in-depth reporting, insightful analysis, and thought-provoking commentary.