Canada free press news

Canada Free Press (CFP) is a conservative news website that provides news, commentary, and analysis on a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, social issues, and international relations. Here are some of the latest news articles and headlines from Canada Free Press:

Top Stories

  1. "Trudeau's Canada: A Nation in Decline" - An op-ed piece by Ezra Levant, founder of Rebel News, criticizing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's policies and their impact on Canada.
  2. "China's Influence in Canada: A Growing Concern" - An article highlighting the increasing influence of China in Canada, including its efforts to shape Canadian politics and economy.
  3. "The Great Reset: A Globalist Agenda" - A commentary piece discussing the concept of the "Great Reset" and its potential implications for global economies and societies.
  4. "Canada's Energy Sector in Crisis" - An article examining the challenges facing Canada's energy sector, including pipeline protests and government policies.
  5. "The Rise of Anti-Conservative Sentiment in Canada" - A piece analyzing the growing trend of anti-conservative sentiment in Canada, including attacks on conservative politicians and media outlets.

Opinion Pieces

  1. "Why I'm Leaving the Liberal Party" - A personal essay by a former Liberal Party member explaining why they are leaving the party due to its shift to the left.
  2. "The Importance of Free Speech in Canada" - An op-ed piece arguing that free speech is under threat in Canada and that it is essential for a healthy democracy.
  3. "The Failure of Canada's Gun Control Laws" - A commentary piece criticizing Canada's gun control laws and arguing that they have not reduced gun violence.
  4. "The Impact of Climate Change on Canada's Economy" - An article discussing the potential economic impacts of climate change on Canada, including job losses and increased costs.
  5. "The Need for a Stronger Canada-US Relationship" - A piece arguing that the Canada-US relationship is crucial for both countries and that it needs to be strengthened.


  1. "Trudeau Government Announces New Climate Change Plan" - An article reporting on the Trudeau government's latest climate change plan and its potential implications for Canada's economy.
  2. "Protests Continue Against Pipeline Projects in Canada" - A news piece covering the ongoing protests against pipeline projects in Canada, including the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
  3. "Canada's Economy Grows at Slower Pace" - An article reporting on Canada's economic growth rate and its potential implications for the country's economy.
  4. "Trudeau Government Faces Criticism Over Handling of China Crisis" - A news piece discussing the Trudeau government's handling of the crisis with China, including the detention of two Canadian citizens.
  5. "Canada's Healthcare System Faces Challenges" - An article examining the challenges facing Canada's healthcare system, including long wait times and funding issues.

Please note that Canada Free Press is a conservative news website, and its articles and opinions may reflect a particular perspective or bias. It is essential to consider multiple sources and perspectives when evaluating news and information.