Can zapier message new pinterest followers

Yes, Zapier can help you send a welcome message to new Pinterest followers. Here's a step-by-step guide to set it up:


  1. You have a Pinterest business account.
  2. You have a Zapier account.
  3. You have a messaging platform (e.g., email, SMS, or chatbot) connected to Zapier.

Step 1: Connect Pinterest to Zapier

  1. Log in to your Zapier account and click on "Make a Zap" (or "Create a Zap" if you're using the mobile app).
  2. Search for "Pinterest" in the search bar and select the "Pinterest" app.
  3. Connect your Pinterest account to Zapier by clicking "Connect" and following the prompts.

Step 2: Set up the trigger

  1. Choose the trigger "New Follower" to trigger the Zap when someone new follows your Pinterest account.
  2. Set up the trigger by selecting the specific board or account you want to monitor for new followers.

Step 3: Set up the action

  1. Search for your messaging platform (e.g., "Email" or "SMS") in the search bar and select the app.
  2. Choose the action "Send a message" to send a welcome message to new followers.
  3. Customize the message by adding the follower's name, a personalized greeting, or any other relevant information.

Step 4: Test and enable the Zap

  1. Test the Zap by sending a test follower to your Pinterest account.
  2. Verify that the welcome message is sent to the test follower.
  3. Enable the Zap to start sending welcome messages to new followers.

Example Zap:

Trigger: New Follower on Pinterest Action: Send a welcome email to new followers using Mailchimp

Example email message: "Hi [Follower's Name], welcome to our Pinterest community! We're thrilled to have you on board. Stay tuned for exclusive content, tips, and behind-the-scenes insights from our team. Thanks for following us!"

By setting up this Zap, you'll be able to send a personalized welcome message to new Pinterest followers, helping to build a stronger connection with your audience and encouraging engagement.