Can you sell new items on etsy

Yes, you can sell new items on Etsy! In fact, many sellers on Etsy specialize in creating and selling new, handmade, or unique items. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Handmade or unique items: Etsy is known for its focus on handmade, vintage, and unique items. If you're creating something new, it should be a one-of-a-kind piece or a small batch of items that are not mass-produced.
  2. Original designs: Your new items should have an original design or concept that is not easily replicable by others. This can include custom designs, patterns, or techniques that set your items apart from others.
  3. Quality and craftsmanship: Your new items should meet Etsy's quality and craftsmanship standards. This means that they should be well-made, durable, and free of defects.
  4. Photography and listing: When listing your new items on Etsy, make sure to include high-quality photos that showcase the item from multiple angles. Write a detailed and accurate description of the item, including materials, size, and any special features.
  5. Pricing: Set a competitive price for your new items based on similar items on Etsy, as well as the time, materials, and effort that went into creating them.
  6. Fees: Etsy charges a listing fee of $0.20 per item, as well as a transaction fee of 3.5% on sales. You'll also need to pay payment processing fees, which vary depending on your payment method.
  7. Compliance with Etsy policies: Make sure to comply with Etsy's policies and guidelines, including those related to intellectual property, copyright, and trademark.

Some popular categories for new items on Etsy include:

If you're unsure about what types of new items you can sell on Etsy, you can always start by browsing the platform and looking at what other sellers are offering. You can also reach out to Etsy's seller support team for guidance and advice.