Can you get a new bvn number for aother bankn

In Nigeria, the Bank Verification Number (BVN) is a unique identifier assigned to each individual by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and is linked to their biometric data. The BVN is used to verify the identity of bank customers and prevent fraud.

According to the CBN, a BVN is valid for a lifetime and cannot be changed or replaced. This means that once you have a BVN, it remains the same, regardless of the bank you use or the accounts you have.

However, there are some scenarios where you might need to update your BVN:

  1. Change of Bank: If you switch banks, you will need to update your BVN with your new bank. The new bank will verify your BVN with the CBN to ensure it matches your new account.
  2. Change of Account Number: If you change your account number within the same bank, you may need to update your BVN with the new account number.
  3. Error or Inconsistency: If there's an error or inconsistency in your BVN, you may need to correct it with the CBN or your bank.

To update your BVN, you will need to visit your new bank or the bank where the error occurred and provide the necessary documentation, such as:

The bank will then verify your BVN with the CBN and update it accordingly.

In summary, while you cannot get a new BVN for another bank, you may need to update your existing BVN in certain situations, such as changing banks or correcting errors.