Can thor new hammer make him fly

In the Marvel Comics universe, Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, has a number of unique properties that make it a powerful and iconic tool for the god of thunder. However, flying is not one of its abilities.

Mjolnir is a magical hammer that is enchanted by the All-Father, Odin, and is said to be able to control the weather and summon the elements. It is also incredibly durable and resistant to damage, able to withstand even the most powerful attacks.

While Mjolnir does not have the ability to make Thor fly, Thor himself has the ability to fly using his Asgardian physiology. As a god, Thor has the ability to defy gravity and move through the air with ease, allowing him to soar through the skies and traverse vast distances.

In recent years, however, Thor has gained a new hammer, Stormbreaker, which was forged by the Eternals and is said to be even more powerful than Mjolnir. Stormbreaker has a number of abilities that are similar to Mjolnir's, including the ability to control the weather and summon the elements. However, it does not have the ability to make Thor fly.

It's worth noting that in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, does have the ability to make him fly. In the movie Thor (2011), Thor uses Mjolnir to fly through the skies and battle his enemies. However, this is not a property of the hammer in the comics, and is instead a creative choice made by the filmmakers.