Can the new nokia 3310 do whatsapp

The nostalgia!

The new Nokia 3310, released in 2017, is a modern remake of the classic Nokia 3310 from the early 2000s. While it's a great device with a long-lasting battery and a retro design, it's not exactly a powerhouse when it comes to features.

Unfortunately, the new Nokia 3310 does not support WhatsApp or any other modern messaging apps. It's a feature phone, which means it's designed for basic phone functionality, such as making calls, sending SMS texts, and playing games.

The device does have a few modern features, like a color screen, a web browser, and support for Facebook and Twitter, but it's not designed to handle more demanding apps like WhatsApp.

If you're looking for a phone that can run WhatsApp, you'll need to consider a smartphone with a more modern operating system, such as Android or iOS.