Can starting a new ds 160 form invalidate the previous

Starting a new DS-160 form can potentially invalidate the previous one, but it depends on the specific circumstances. Here are some scenarios to consider:

  1. If you're making changes to an existing application: If you're making significant changes to your application, such as updating your biographic information, changing your purpose of travel, or adding a new dependent, it's generally recommended to submit a new DS-160 form. This will ensure that your application accurately reflects the current information.
  2. If you're correcting errors or omissions: If you've made errors or omissions on your previous DS-160 form, you may need to start a new form to correct them. For example, if you forgot to include a dependent or provided incorrect information, you'll need to start over to ensure accuracy.
  3. If you're applying for a different type of visa: If you're applying for a different type of visa or changing your visa type, you'll typically need to start a new DS-160 form. This is because the form is specific to the type of visa you're applying for, and the questions and requirements will vary.
  4. If you're reapplying after a previous application was denied: If your previous application was denied, you may need to start a new DS-160 form. However, you should review the reasons for the denial and address those issues before submitting a new application.

However, there are some scenarios where starting a new DS-160 form might not invalidate the previous one:

  1. If you're making minor changes: If you're only making minor changes, such as updating your contact information or changing your travel dates, you might not need to start a new form. You can usually make these changes through the online application system.
  2. If you're reapplying with the same information: If you're reapplying with the same information and no changes, you might not need to start a new form. You can usually use the same application and just update the submission date.

To avoid any issues, it's always a good idea to review the instructions and requirements for the specific visa you're applying for, as well as the guidance provided by the U.S. Department of State or the National Visa Center. If you're unsure about whether to start a new DS-160 form, you can also consult with a qualified immigration attorney or the U.S. embassy or consulate in your country.