Can russian sarmat depopulate new york

What an interesting question!

The Sarmatians were a nomadic people who lived in the steppes of Eastern Europe and Central Asia from the 5th century BC to the 4th century AD. They were known for their horsemanship, archery, and military prowess. However, I must clarify that the Sarmatians are no longer a contemporary threat to modern cities like New York.

New York City, with its population of over 8.4 million people, is a densely populated urban area with a complex infrastructure, economy, and social fabric. It is not feasible for any ancient or modern nomadic group, including the Sarmatians, to "depopulate" the city.

Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Logistics: The Sarmatians were a nomadic people who relied on their horses and archery skills for mobility and warfare. They would not have the logistical capabilities to transport and sustain a large army in a densely populated urban area like New York.
  2. Urban infrastructure: New York City has a robust infrastructure, including buildings, roads, public transportation, and utilities. The Sarmatians would not have the technological expertise or resources to dismantle or destroy these structures.
  3. Military capabilities: While the Sarmatians were skilled warriors, they would not have the modern military equipment, training, or tactics to effectively conquer and depopulate a city like New York.
  4. Demographic and economic factors: New York City is a global hub with a diverse population, economy, and culture. The city's population is not concentrated in a single area, making it difficult for any group to target and displace the entire population.
  5. International relations and law: In modern times, international law and diplomacy would prevent any group from attempting to depopulate a city like New York. The United Nations, international organizations, and national governments would likely intervene to prevent such an event.

In conclusion, while the Sarmatians were a formidable force in their time, it is not feasible for them to "depopulate" New York City or any other modern urban area.