Can nigerian get job in new zealand site

I think there may be some confusion here!

Nairaland is a popular online forum in Nigeria, but it's not a job site or a platform that connects job seekers with employers in New Zealand or any other country.

If you're a Nigerian looking for a job in New Zealand, you'll need to search for job opportunities on reputable job boards, company websites, or government job portals. Here are some options:

  1. New Zealand Government Job Website: The official government job website,, lists job vacancies across various sectors, including government agencies, healthcare, education, and more.
  2. New Zealand Job Search: is a popular job search website in New Zealand, featuring job listings from various industries and companies.
  3. Trade Me Jobs: is another well-known job search platform in New Zealand, offering job listings across various sectors.
  4. Company websites: Research companies in New Zealand that align with your skills and experience, and check their career pages for job openings.
  5. Recruitment agencies: Some recruitment agencies specialize in placing international candidates in New Zealand jobs. You can search online for agencies that cater to Nigerian candidates.

To increase your chances of getting hired in New Zealand, make sure you:

Remember to always research the company and job thoroughly, and be cautious of job scams or fraudulent opportunities. Good luck in your job search!