Can nigerian get job in new zealand

Yes, Nigerians can get a job in New Zealand, but it may require some extra effort and planning. Here are some general requirements and tips to help you get started:

Visa requirements:

To work in New Zealand, you'll need to apply for a work visa. There are several types of work visas, including:

  1. Essential Skills Work Visa: This visa is for skilled workers who have a job offer in New Zealand.
  2. Work to Residence Visa: This visa allows you to work in New Zealand for up to 30 months and then apply for residency.
  3. Resident Visa: This visa is for people who have a job offer in New Zealand and want to live and work there permanently.


To be eligible for a work visa in New Zealand, you'll need to meet certain requirements, including:

  1. Age: You must be at least 18 years old.
  2. Education: You'll need to have a recognized qualification that's relevant to the job you're applying for.
  3. Work experience: You'll need to have relevant work experience in your field.
  4. Language: You'll need to have a good understanding of English, as it's the primary language spoken in New Zealand.
  5. Health: You'll need to pass a medical examination to ensure you're fit to work in New Zealand.

Job opportunities:

New Zealand has a strong economy and a high demand for skilled workers in certain industries, such as:

  1. Healthcare
  2. Technology and IT
  3. Engineering
  4. Finance and banking
  5. Education

Tips for finding a job in New Zealand:

  1. Research: Research the job market in New Zealand and identify the industries and job roles that are in demand.
  2. Networking: Network with people in your industry and attend job fairs and networking events.
  3. Online job boards: Use online job boards such as Seek, Trade Me Jobs, and Indeed to search for job opportunities.
  4. Recruitment agencies: Consider working with recruitment agencies that specialize in your industry or job role.
  5. Language skills: Make sure your language skills are up to date, as English is the primary language spoken in New Zealand.
  6. Qualifications: Ensure your qualifications are recognized in New Zealand and meet the requirements for your job role.
  7. Work experience: Highlight your relevant work experience and skills in your resume and cover letter.


  1. Competition: The job market in New Zealand can be competitive, especially for non-citizens.
  2. Language barriers: If you're not fluent in English, you may face challenges communicating with employers and colleagues.
  3. Visa requirements: Meeting the visa requirements can be complex and time-consuming.


While there are challenges to finding a job in New Zealand as a Nigerian, it's not impossible. With the right qualifications, skills, and experience, you can increase your chances of success. Research the job market, network, and use online job boards and recruitment agencies to find job opportunities. Good luck!