Can new versions of aspen hysys run solids

Aspen HYSYS is a process simulation software that is primarily used for modeling and simulating chemical processes, including fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical reactions. While HYSYS has some capabilities for handling solids, it is not a dedicated solid simulation software like Aspen Plus or ASPEN ICAS.

Historically, HYSYS has had limited capabilities for handling solids, and it was not designed to be a comprehensive solid simulation tool. However, in recent years, Aspen Technology has made efforts to improve the solid handling capabilities of HYSYS.

In newer versions of HYSYS, such as HYSYS 2020 and later, there are some enhancements to the solid handling capabilities, including:

  1. Improved solid-liquid mixing: HYSYS 2020 and later versions include a new solid-liquid mixing model that allows for more accurate simulation of solid-liquid mixing and separation processes.
  2. Enhanced solid handling in reactors: HYSYS 2020 and later versions include improved solid handling capabilities in reactors, including the ability to simulate solid-catalyzed reactions and solid-liquid reactions.
  3. New solid properties: HYSYS 2020 and later versions include new solid properties, such as density, porosity, and surface area, which can be used to simulate solid-liquid interactions.

However, it's important to note that HYSYS is still not a dedicated solid simulation software, and it may not be suitable for all solid simulation applications. If you need to simulate complex solid processes or require advanced solid simulation capabilities, you may want to consider using a dedicated solid simulation software like Aspen Plus or ASPEN ICAS.

In summary, while newer versions of HYSYS have improved solid handling capabilities, it is still not a comprehensive solid simulation tool, and you should carefully evaluate its capabilities before using it for solid simulation applications.