Can i work in australia as graduate from new zealand

As a graduate from New Zealand, you may have several options to work in Australia. Here are a few:

  1. Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189): If you have a bachelor's degree or higher, you may be eligible for this visa, which allows you to live and work in Australia permanently. You'll need to submit an expression of interest and be invited to apply.
  2. Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190): If you have a bachelor's degree or higher, you can apply for this visa through a state or territory government nomination. This visa also allows you to live and work in Australia permanently.
  3. Temporary Skilled Migration Instrument (TSMI) visa: This visa allows you to work in Australia for up to 4 years. You'll need to have a job offer from an Australian employer and meet certain skills and qualifications requirements.
  4. Working Holiday visa (subclass 417): If you're under 31 years old, you can apply for a working holiday visa, which allows you to work and travel in Australia for up to 12 months.
  5. International Student visa: If you're currently studying in New Zealand and want to continue your studies in Australia, you may be eligible for an International Student visa.

To be eligible for these visas, you'll typically need to meet the following requirements:

It's essential to research each visa type and its requirements to determine which one is best for your situation. You can also consult the Australian Government's Department of Home Affairs website or a registered migration agent for more information and guidance.

Additionally, you may want to consider the following:

Remember to plan carefully and allow sufficient time for the visa application process, which can take several months. Good luck!