Can i use reuters news on my website

The Reuters news agency is a well-respected and widely used source of news, and it's understandable that you might want to use their content on your website. However, there are some important considerations and restrictions to be aware of before doing so.

Copyright and licensing

Reuters news is copyrighted, which means that you need permission from the copyright holder (in this case, Thomson Reuters) to use their content. Reuters has a specific licensing agreement in place that governs the use of their news articles, photos, and other content.

Reuters' licensing terms

Reuters offers several licensing options for using their content, including:

  1. Reuters News Agency License: This license allows you to use Reuters news articles, photos, and other content for a specific period (usually 24 hours) for a fee.
  2. Reuters Content Licensing Agreement: This agreement allows you to use Reuters content for a longer period (usually several months or years) for a fee.
  3. Reuters API: This is a paid API that allows you to access Reuters news content programmatically.

Restrictions on use

Even if you obtain a license or agreement, there are still some restrictions on how you can use Reuters content on your website:

  1. No republication: You cannot republish Reuters news articles or photos on your website without permission.
  2. No modification: You cannot modify or alter Reuters content in any way.
  3. No commercial use: You cannot use Reuters content for commercial purposes, such as selling or distributing it as your own.
  4. No caching: You cannot cache Reuters content on your website or server.


If you're looking for alternative sources of news content, there are many other options available, such as:

  1. AP News: The Associated Press (AP) offers a similar licensing agreement for their news content.
  2. News agencies: Many other news agencies, such as Bloomberg, AFP, and Xinhua, offer licensing agreements for their content.
  3. Free news sources: There are many free news sources available, such as online news websites, blogs, and social media platforms.


In summary, while it is possible to use Reuters news on your website, you need to obtain permission from Thomson Reuters and comply with their licensing terms and restrictions. If you're looking for alternative sources of news content, there are many other options available.