Can i request for a new nigerian passport at barbados

I think there may be a bit of a challenge here!

As a Nigerian citizen, you would typically need to apply for a new passport through the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) or the Nigerian High Commission in your country of residence. However, Barbados is not a country where the Nigerian High Commission or NIS has a presence.

To obtain a new Nigerian passport, you would typically need to:

  1. Gather the required documents, which may include:
    • A completed application form (available at the Nigerian High Commission or NIS)
    • A valid ID (e.g., driver's license, national ID card)
    • Proof of citizenship (e.g., birth certificate, naturalization certificate)
    • Proof of residence (e.g., utility bill, lease agreement)
    • Passport-sized photos
  2. Submit your application and supporting documents to the Nigerian High Commission or NIS in your country of residence.
  3. Wait for the processing and issuance of your new passport.

Since Barbados is not a country where the Nigerian High Commission or NIS has a presence, it may not be possible to apply for a new Nigerian passport there. You may need to travel to a country where the Nigerian High Commission or NIS has a presence, such as the United States, United Kingdom, or Canada, to apply for a new passport.

If you're currently in Barbados and need to obtain a new Nigerian passport, you may want to consider the following options:

  1. Contact the Nigerian High Commission or NIS in a nearby country to inquire about their application process and requirements.
  2. Consider traveling to a country where the Nigerian High Commission or NIS has a presence to apply for a new passport.
  3. Reach out to a Nigerian embassy or consulate in Barbados (if there is one) to see if they can assist you with the application process.

I hope this information helps!