Can i change provisioning profiles for a new update

Yes, you can change provisioning profiles for a new update. Here are the general steps:

  1. Create a new provisioning profile: Go to the Apple Developer portal, select your app, and create a new provisioning profile. Make sure to select the correct bundle ID, team, and distribution method (e.g., App Store, Ad Hoc, or Enterprise).
  2. Update your Xcode project: In Xcode, go to your project settings (Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme) and update the provisioning profile to the new one. You can also do this by selecting the project in the Project Navigator, then clicking on the "General" tab and updating the "Provisioning Profile" field.
  3. Update your app's entitlements: If your app requires specific entitlements (e.g., push notifications, iCloud storage), you may need to update the entitlements in your new provisioning profile. You can do this by editing the entitlements file (e.g., Entitlements.plist) in your Xcode project.
  4. Update your app's code: If your app uses any code that relies on the old provisioning profile (e.g., API keys, server URLs), you may need to update the code to use the new provisioning profile.
  5. Archive and export your app: Once you've updated your Xcode project, entitlements, and code, archive your app and export it using the new provisioning profile.
  6. Submit your app update: Submit your updated app to the App Store using the new provisioning profile.

Important notes:

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully change provisioning profiles for a new update.