Can a laptop get a new ip address after formatting

When you format a laptop, you are essentially wiping the hard drive clean and reinstalling the operating system. This process does not automatically change the laptop's IP address.

However, there are a few scenarios where the laptop's IP address might change after formatting:

  1. DHCP: If the laptop was previously connected to a network that used Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), the laptop would have received an IP address from a DHCP server. When you format the laptop, the DHCP lease is terminated, and the laptop will need to request a new IP address from the DHCP server. This means the laptop will likely receive a new IP address.
  2. Static IP address: If the laptop had a static IP address configured before formatting, it will retain that IP address after formatting. However, if the laptop is connected to a network that uses DHCP, it may still receive a new IP address from the DHCP server.
  3. Router configuration: If the router or network infrastructure has been changed or updated, the laptop's IP address may also change. For example, if the router's IP address range has been changed or if a new router is installed, the laptop may receive a new IP address.

To summarize:

After formatting, you can check the laptop's IP address by: