Can't create new session gamesparks

A Gamesparks issue!

When you're unable to create a new session in Gamesparks, it's often due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Session limit reached: Check your Gamesparks dashboard to see if you've reached the maximum number of sessions allowed for your plan. If you have, you'll need to upgrade your plan or reduce the number of sessions.
  2. Session queue full: If your session queue is full, new sessions can't be created until some sessions are completed or timed out. You can check the session queue in your Gamesparks dashboard.
  3. Server overload: If your servers are experiencing high traffic or are overloaded, new sessions might not be able to be created. Try checking your server logs or monitoring tools to see if there are any issues.
  4. Invalid or missing configuration: Double-check your Gamesparks configuration, such as your session settings, to ensure everything is correct and complete.
  5. Network or connectivity issues: Verify that your network and connectivity are stable and functioning correctly.
  6. Gamesparks maintenance or downtime: Check the Gamesparks status page or social media channels to see if there are any scheduled maintenance or downtime events that might be affecting your ability to create new sessions.
  7. Session creation rate limit: Gamesparks has a default rate limit for session creation. If you're creating sessions too quickly, you might hit this limit. You can check your rate limit in your Gamesparks dashboard.

To troubleshoot the issue, you can try the following:

  1. Check your Gamesparks dashboard for any errors or warnings.
  2. Verify that your session settings are correct and complete.
  3. Check your server logs or monitoring tools for any issues.
  4. Try creating a new session with a different configuration or settings.
  5. Contact Gamesparks support for assistance, as they can help you identify the root cause of the issue.

I hope this helps you resolve the issue and create new sessions in Gamesparks!