Camosun college news

Camosun College is a public college located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Here are some recent news articles and updates about the college:

Recent News

  1. Camosun College launches new Indigenous Student Services Centre: Camosun College has launched a new Indigenous Student Services Centre to support Indigenous students on campus. The centre provides a safe and welcoming space for Indigenous students to connect with each other and access resources and services. (Source: Camosun College News)
  2. Camosun College receives funding for new trades training facility: Camosun College has received funding from the Government of British Columbia to build a new trades training facility on its Interurban Campus. The facility will provide state-of-the-art training equipment and spaces for students in the trades programs. (Source: BC Government News)
  3. Camosun College celebrates 50th anniversary: Camosun College celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2022, marking five decades of providing education and training to students in the Victoria area. The college hosted a series of events and activities to mark the occasion. (Source: Camosun College News)

Upcoming Events

  1. Camosun College Open House: Camosun College is hosting an Open House event on March 25, 2023, at its Interurban Campus. The event will feature tours of the campus, information sessions, and interactive activities. (Source: Camosun College Events)
  2. Indigenous Cultural Festival: Camosun College is hosting an Indigenous Cultural Festival on April 14, 2023, at its Interurban Campus. The festival will feature traditional Indigenous music, dance, and food, as well as cultural activities and workshops. (Source: Camosun College Events)

Campus News

  1. New student union building opens at Camosun College: Camosun College has opened a new student union building on its Interurban Campus. The building provides a welcoming space for students to relax, study, and socialize. (Source: Camosun College News)
  2. Camosun College launches new sustainability initiative: Camosun College has launched a new sustainability initiative aimed at reducing its environmental impact. The initiative includes reducing energy consumption, increasing recycling, and promoting sustainable transportation options. (Source: Camosun College News)

I hope this information is helpful!