Cameroon news bbc

Here are some recent news articles from BBC about Cameroon:

Latest News

  1. Cameroon: Separatist leader arrested in Nigeria (BBC News, 24 February 2023) The leader of a separatist movement in Cameroon, Sisiku Julius Ayuk Tabe, has been arrested in Nigeria, according to reports. He was arrested in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, and is expected to be extradited to Cameroon.
  2. Cameroon: Floods leave thousands homeless (BBC News, 21 February 2023) Heavy rainfall has caused widespread flooding in parts of Cameroon, leaving thousands of people homeless. The flooding has also damaged homes, schools, and infrastructure, with many communities struggling to access basic necessities.
  3. Cameroon: Opposition leader arrested (BBC News, 17 February 2023) The leader of the main opposition party in Cameroon, Maurice Kamto, has been arrested and charged with treason. Mr Kamto was arrested in 2019 and has been held in detention since then.

Recent Articles

  1. Cameroon: The forgotten crisis in the Anglophone regions (BBC News, 14 February 2023) The crisis in Cameroon's Anglophone regions has been ongoing for several years, with separatist groups fighting for independence and the government responding with force. The conflict has caused widespread displacement, human rights abuses, and economic hardship.
  2. Cameroon: How the country's economy is struggling (BBC News, 7 February 2023) Cameroon's economy has been struggling in recent years, with high inflation, a large trade deficit, and a decline in foreign investment. The country is also heavily dependent on oil exports, which have been affected by global price fluctuations.
  3. Cameroon: The impact of climate change on the country's agriculture (BBC News, 31 January 2023) Climate change is having a significant impact on Cameroon's agriculture, with changing weather patterns and rising temperatures affecting crop yields and food security. The country is also experiencing more frequent and severe floods and droughts, which are further exacerbating the problem.


You can find more news articles about Cameroon on the BBC News website by searching for "Cameroon" in the search bar. The BBC also has a dedicated page for Cameroon news, which includes articles, videos, and analysis on various topics related to the country.