Cameroon new in pictures

Here are some new and interesting pictures of Cameroon:

Natural Wonders

  1. Mount Cameroon: The highest peak in West Africa, with a stunning view of the surrounding landscape.
  2. Waza National Park: A protected area for wildlife, including elephants, lions, and giraffes.
  3. Korup National Park: A lush rainforest with diverse flora and fauna, including chimpanzees and gorillas.

Cultural Heritage

  1. Bamenda: A city with a rich cultural heritage, known for its traditional architecture and vibrant markets.
  2. Douala: The economic capital of Cameroon, with a mix of colonial and modern architecture.
  3. Yaoundé: The political capital, with a blend of French colonial and African influences.


  1. Reunification Monument: A symbol of Cameroon's independence, located in Yaoundé.
  2. National Museum: A museum showcasing the country's history, culture, and natural heritage.
  3. Limbe Botanic Garden: A beautiful garden with a variety of plant species and a stunning view of the ocean.

Daily Life

  1. Market scenes: Colorful markets in cities like Bamenda, Douala, and Yaoundé, filled with vibrant colors and lively atmosphere.
  2. Street food: Delicious and diverse street food options, such as plantains, peanuts, and grilled meats.
  3. Traditional dress: Beautiful traditional clothing, including the famous "kente" cloth and " dashiki" shirts.


  1. Gorillas: Cameroon is home to several gorilla sanctuaries, where you can see these majestic animals up close.
  2. Elephants: Large herds of elephants roam the savannas and forests of Cameroon.
  3. Birds: The country is a birdwatcher's paradise, with over 900 species of birds, including the iconic African grey parrot.

These are just a few examples of the many amazing pictures of Cameroon. The country has a rich culture, diverse wildlife, and stunning natural beauty, making it a fascinating destination for travelers and photographers.