Cameroon business news

Here are some recent business news articles from Cameroon:

  1. Cameroon's economy grows by 4.3% in 2020: According to the National Institute of Statistics (INS), Cameroon's economy grew by 4.3% in 2020, driven by the agricultural and services sectors. (Source: Cameroon Tribune)
  2. New investment opportunities in Cameroon's energy sector: The Cameroonian government has announced plans to attract new investments in the energy sector, with a focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency. (Source: African Energy Chamber)
  3. Cameroon's banking sector records 10% growth in 2020: The Cameroonian banking sector recorded a 10% growth in 2020, driven by increased lending to the private sector and a rise in deposits. (Source: The Post)
  4. Cameroon's coffee exports increase by 15%: Cameroon's coffee exports increased by 15% in 2020, driven by improved production and better market access. (Source: Cameroon Coffee Board)
  5. New logistics hub to be built in Douala: A new logistics hub is to be built in Douala, Cameroon's economic capital, to improve the country's transportation infrastructure and facilitate trade. (Source: Cameroon Business News)
  6. Cameroon's telecommunications sector records 12% growth: The Cameroonian telecommunications sector recorded a 12% growth in 2020, driven by increased demand for mobile services and internet connectivity. (Source: Cameroon Tribune)
  7. New textile factory to be built in Bamenda: A new textile factory is to be built in Bamenda, Cameroon's second-largest city, to produce cotton and other textile products. (Source: The Post)
  8. Cameroon's construction sector records 8% growth: The Cameroonian construction sector recorded an 8% growth in 2020, driven by government infrastructure projects and private sector investments. (Source: Cameroon Business News)
  9. New agricultural project to boost food security: A new agricultural project is to be launched in Cameroon to boost food security and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. (Source: African Development Bank)
  10. Cameroon's tourism sector records 15% growth: Cameroon's tourism sector recorded a 15% growth in 2020, driven by improved infrastructure and marketing efforts. (Source: Cameroon Tribune)

These are just a few examples of recent business news from Cameroon. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the country's business sector, I recommend following reputable news sources such as Cameroon Tribune, The Post, and Cameroon Business News.