Cameraman job in bbc news 2019

A fascinating topic!

To become a cameraman for BBC News in 2019, you would have needed to meet certain requirements and follow a specific process. Here's an overview:


  1. Education: A degree in a relevant field such as film, television, photography, or journalism.
  2. Experience: A minimum of 2-3 years of experience in a similar role, such as a freelance cameraman or a camera operator for a production company.
  3. Skills: Proficiency in camera operation, lighting, and sound recording. Knowledge of BBC News style and guidelines.
  4. Equipment: Familiarity with a range of camera formats, including HD and 4K, and ability to operate a variety of cameras, such as Sony F5/F55, Canon C300, and Panasonic Varicam.
  5. Software: Proficiency in video editing software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer, or Final Cut Pro.

Application process:

  1. Job posting: BBC News would have posted a job advertisement on their website, highlighting the requirements and responsibilities of the cameraman role.
  2. Application: Candidates would have submitted their application, including a CV, cover letter, and any relevant portfolio or showreel.
  3. Shortlisting: BBC News would have shortlisted candidates based on their experience, skills, and qualifications.
  4. Interview: Shortlisted candidates would have been invited for an interview at the BBC News headquarters in London or at a regional office.
  5. Assessment: Candidates would have been assessed on their technical skills, knowledge of BBC News style and guidelines, and ability to work under pressure.
  6. Reference checks: BBC News would have conducted reference checks to verify the candidate's previous work experience and professional reputation.
  7. Job offer: The successful candidate would have been offered the cameraman role, subject to a probationary period and satisfactory completion of any necessary training or induction.

Tips for aspiring cameramen:

  1. Build your portfolio: Create a strong portfolio showcasing your camera work, editing skills, and ability to work in different environments.
  2. Network: Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with other cameramen and producers to learn about job opportunities and best practices.
  3. Stay up-to-date: Keep your skills current by attending workshops, training sessions, and online courses to stay familiar with the latest camera technology and software.
  4. Be flexible: Be prepared to work flexible hours, including evenings and weekends, and be willing to travel for assignments.
  5. Show enthusiasm and passion: Demonstrate your passion for storytelling and your ability to work under pressure, and highlight your unique strengths and skills.

Remember that becoming a cameraman for BBC News is a competitive process, and it's essential to have a strong portfolio, relevant experience, and a willingness to learn and adapt.