Cambridge analytica new name

You're referring to the infamous data analytics firm that was involved in several high-profile scandals!

After Cambridge Analytica's parent company, SCL Group, went bankrupt in 2018, the company's assets were sold to a new entity called Emerdata Limited. Emerdata is a UK-based company that was founded by several former executives of Cambridge Analytica, including Alexander Nix, the former CEO of Cambridge Analytica.

In 2019, Emerdata launched a new company called AIQ, which is a data analytics firm that offers services such as data analysis, machine learning, and digital marketing. AIQ has been involved in several projects, including working with political campaigns and organizations.

However, it's worth noting that AIQ has faced criticism and controversy over its ties to Cambridge Analytica and its role in the 2016 US presidential election. Some have accused the company of continuing to engage in similar practices to Cambridge Analytica, such as harvesting and using personal data without consent.

In addition to AIQ, several other companies have been formed by former Cambridge Analytica executives, including:

It's worth noting that these companies have denied any wrongdoing and have claimed that they have reformed their practices and are now focused on providing ethical and transparent services. However, the controversy surrounding Cambridge Analytica and its affiliates continues to be a topic of debate and concern.