Calls for new minimum wage dominate workers day activities

I think there may be a small mistake in your statement. It's unlikely that "calls for new minimum wage" would dominate a worker's day activities. Instead, I'm assuming you meant to say that "concerns about the minimum wage" or "discussions about the minimum wage" might dominate a worker's day activities.

If that's the case, here are some possible reasons why:

  1. Financial stress: Workers may be worried about their financial stability and whether a higher minimum wage would help them make ends meet.
  2. Job security: The minimum wage debate can also affect job security, as some workers may fear that a higher minimum wage could lead to job losses or reduced hours.
  3. Industry impact: Workers in industries with low wages, such as retail or food service, may be particularly concerned about the impact of a higher minimum wage on their employers and the overall industry.
  4. Economic uncertainty: The minimum wage debate can also be influenced by broader economic factors, such as inflation, unemployment rates, and economic growth, which can affect workers' daily lives and financial decisions.

If you meant something else, please feel free to clarify!