Calling prayer to new born baby in islam

In Islam, the call to prayer (Adhan) is a significant ritual that is performed five times a day, and it is also a significant milestone in the life of a newborn baby. Here's what you need to know:

When to call the prayer: The call to prayer is typically performed when the baby is born, and it is considered a Sunnah (recommended) act. However, it is not a mandatory act, and the timing may vary depending on the family's traditions and customs.

How to call the prayer: The call to prayer is usually performed by the father or a close male relative of the baby. The Adhan is recited in Arabic, and it is as follows:

"Allahu Akbar" (God is the Greatest) "Assalamu alaikum" (Peace be upon you) "Assalamu alaikum" (Peace be upon you) "La ilaha illallah" (There is no god but Allah) "Muhammadun Rasulullah" (Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)

Why call the prayer: Calling the prayer to a newborn baby is considered a blessing and a way to seek Allah's mercy and protection for the child. It is believed that the Adhan helps to:

  1. Purify the child's soul and heart
  2. Protect the child from evil and harm
  3. Guide the child towards the straight path of Islam
  4. Bring blessings and blessings to the child's life


  1. Recite the Adhan with sincerity and devotion
  2. Face the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca (Qibla) while reciting the Adhan
  3. Use a clean and quiet environment to recite the Adhan
  4. Recite the Adhan with a calm and gentle voice
  5. Consider recording the Adhan and playing it for the baby, especially if the father or relative is not present

Remember, calling the prayer to a newborn baby is a beautiful and meaningful tradition in Islam. It is a way to welcome the child into the world and to seek Allah's blessings and guidance for their life.