Callimachi new york times isis

You're likely referring to the New York Times article "The ISIS Files" by Rukmini Callimachi, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who has been covering the Islamic State (ISIS) for years.

In 2015, Callimachi was part of a team of journalists who obtained a massive trove of documents from the Islamic State, including internal communications, propaganda materials, and other records. The documents provided a unique glimpse into the inner workings of the terrorist organization and its ideology.

Callimachi's reporting on the documents was published in a series of articles in The New York Times, which explored topics such as the group's leadership structure, its use of social media, and its brutal treatment of civilians. The articles also examined the group's ideology and its appeal to disaffected young people around the world.

Some of the key findings from Callimachi's reporting included:

  1. The Islamic State's leadership was more decentralized than previously thought, with many key decisions made by local commanders rather than the central leadership.
  2. The group's use of social media was a key factor in its ability to recruit new members and spread its ideology.
  3. The Islamic State was responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians, including women and children, and was known for its brutal treatment of prisoners and its use of torture and other forms of violence.
  4. The group's ideology was rooted in a distorted interpretation of Islam, and its leaders saw themselves as the only true defenders of the faith.

Callimachi's reporting on the Islamic State has been widely praised for its depth and insight, and has helped to shed light on the inner workings of the terrorist organization. Her work has also been recognized with numerous awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting in 2017.