Call of duty 2 new version 1.2

You're referring to the updated version of Call of Duty 2, specifically the 1.2 patch!

The 1.2 patch for Call of Duty 2 was released in 2006, shortly after the game's initial launch. This patch addressed several issues and bugs that players had reported, including:

  1. Fixed multiplayer exploits: The patch closed several loopholes that allowed players to exploit the game's multiplayer mode, making it more balanced and fair for all players.
  2. Improved server stability: The patch improved the overall stability of the game's servers, reducing the likelihood of crashes and disconnections.
  3. Fixed single-player issues: The patch fixed several issues that players had reported in the single-player campaign, including problems with mission progression and AI behavior.
  4. Added new multiplayer maps: The patch introduced new multiplayer maps, including "Crash" and "Overlord," which added more variety to the game's multiplayer mode.
  5. Improved graphics and performance: The patch included various graphical and performance tweaks, such as improved lighting and shadowing, to enhance the overall gaming experience.

The 1.2 patch was a significant update for Call of Duty 2, and it helped to address many of the issues that players had reported. If you're playing the game on PC, I recommend checking if you have the 1.2 patch installed to ensure you're getting the best possible experience.