Call by a new name

A clever phrase!

"Call by a new name" can have a few different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Renaming: In this sense, "call by a new name" means to give something a new name or title. For example, a company might rename itself to reflect a change in its focus or values.
  2. Rebranding: This is similar to renaming, but often implies a more significant change in the way a product, service, or organization is perceived by the public.
  3. Giving a new label: In this sense, "call by a new name" means to assign a new label or category to something that already exists. For example, a scientist might discover a new species and give it a new name to reflect its unique characteristics.
  4. Giving a new identity: In a more abstract sense, "call by a new name" could mean to give someone or something a new sense of purpose, identity, or direction. For example, a person might go through a transformative experience and emerge with a new sense of self.

Which of these meanings resonates with you, or do you have a different interpretation in mind?