Calculation longitude and latitude new general mathematics

A fascinating topic!

In the new general mathematics, the calculation of longitude and latitude is based on the concept of spherical trigonometry. Here's a brief overview:

What are longitude and latitude?

Spherical Trigonometry

Spherical trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of triangles on the surface of a sphere (like the Earth). It's used to calculate distances, angles, and positions on the Earth's surface.

Calculating Longitude and Latitude

To calculate longitude and latitude, we need to use the following formulas:

  1. Latitude (φ): φ = arcsin(sin(φ0) * sin(φ1) + cos(φ0) * cos(φ1) * cos(Δλ)) where: φ0 is the latitude of the starting point φ1 is the latitude of the ending point Δλ is the difference in longitude between the starting and ending points

  2. Longitude (λ): λ = arctan(sin(Δφ) / cos(φ0) * tan(Δλ)) where: Δφ is the difference in latitude between the starting and ending points φ0 is the latitude of the starting point Δλ is the difference in longitude between the starting and ending points


Suppose we want to calculate the longitude and latitude of a point that is 3° east of the starting point (λ0 = 10° E, φ0 = 40° N) and 2° north of the starting point (φ1 = 42° N).

Using the formulas above, we get:

φ = arcsin(sin(40°) * sin(42°) + cos(40°) * cos(42°) * cos(3°)) ≈ 41.98° N λ = arctan(sin(2°) / cos(40°) * tan(3°)) ≈ 13.02° E

So, the longitude and latitude of the point are approximately 13.02° E and 41.98° N.

Note: These formulas assume a spherical Earth, which is a simplification. In reality, the Earth is slightly flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator due to its rotation. This means that the actual values of longitude and latitude may differ slightly from those calculated using these formulas.