Calculate new price applying discounts on line calculator

I'd be happy to help you calculate the new price applying discounts using a line calculator.

Please provide the following information:

  1. Original price (OP)
  2. Discount percentage (DP)
  3. Discount type (e.g., percentage off, fixed amount off, buy one get one free, etc.)

Once I have this information, I can help you calculate the new price applying the discount.

Here's a sample calculation to get us started:

Original Price (OP): $100 Discount Percentage (DP): 20%

To calculate the discount amount:

Discount Amount (DA) = OP x DP/100 = $100 x 20/100 = $20

New Price (NP) = OP - DA = $100 - $20 = $80

So, the new price after applying a 20% discount would be $80.

Please provide the necessary information, and I'll help you calculate the new price applying the discount.