Caf debut video assistant referee chan

You're referring to the debut of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology in the Chinese Football Association (CAF)!

The CAF, which is the governing body of football in China, introduced VAR technology in the 2020 Chinese Super League (CSL) season. The debut of VAR in the CSL was a significant milestone, as it marked the first time the technology was used in a top-tier professional league in China.

The VAR system was implemented to help referees make more accurate decisions, particularly in situations involving goals, penalties, and direct red cards. The system uses a combination of video footage and real-time data to assist referees in making decisions.

The debut of VAR in the CSL was a success, with many praising the technology for improving the accuracy of refereeing decisions. The system was used in 14 matches during the 2020 CSL season, and it helped to correct several incorrect decisions made by referees.

Here are some key statistics from the debut of VAR in the CSL:

Overall, the debut of VAR in the CSL was a positive step forward for Chinese football, and it is expected to continue to play an important role in the league in the future.