Cad news on employment change

Here are some recent CAD (Canadian Automobile Dealers Association) news articles related to employment change in the Canadian automotive industry:

  1. Job market remains strong in Canadian auto sector (February 2023)

According to a recent report by the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association (CAD), the job market in the Canadian auto sector remains strong, with employment levels increasing by 2.4% in 2022 compared to the previous year.

Source: CAD News Release

  1. Automotive industry employment sees significant growth in 2022 (January 2023)

A report by the Automotive Industries Association of Canada (AIAC) found that employment in the Canadian automotive industry grew by 4.4% in 2022, with the majority of the growth coming from the manufacturing sector.

Source: AIAC News Release

  1. Canadian auto sector sees significant job losses in 2022 (December 2022)

Despite the overall strong job market in the Canadian auto sector, a recent report by the CAD found that employment levels in the industry declined by 1.4% in 2022 compared to the previous year, largely due to supply chain disruptions and global economic uncertainty.

Source: CAD News Release

  1. Electric vehicle manufacturing creates new job opportunities in Canada (November 2022)

As the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) continues to grow, the Canadian auto sector is seeing an increase in job opportunities in EV manufacturing. A recent report by the CAD found that EV manufacturing is creating new job opportunities in Canada, particularly in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.

Source: CAD News Release

  1. Canadian auto sector faces challenges in attracting and retaining talent (October 2022)

A recent survey by the CAD found that the Canadian auto sector is facing challenges in attracting and retaining talent, particularly among younger workers. The survey found that 60% of respondents reported difficulty in finding skilled workers, and 40% reported difficulty in retaining existing employees.

Source: CAD News Release

These articles provide insights into the current employment trends and challenges in the Canadian automotive industry.