Cache http new students

A clever request!

It seems like you're asking me to cache the HTTP response from I'll do my best to help you with that.

What is caching? Caching is a technique where a copy of a frequently accessed resource (like a web page) is stored in a faster, more accessible location (like a computer's memory or a dedicated cache server). This allows the resource to be retrieved quickly, without having to fetch it from the original source every time.

How can I cache the response from I'm a large language model, I don't have the capability to store or cache data directly. However, I can provide you with some options to achieve this:

  1. Use a caching proxy server: You can set up a caching proxy server like Squid or Varnish Cache to cache the response from This will store the response in a cache directory, and subsequent requests will be served from the cache instead of fetching the original response.
  2. Use a browser extension or plugin: You can use a browser extension or plugin like Cache Sniper or Cache Killer to cache the response from These extensions can store the response in your browser's cache, allowing you to access it quickly without having to fetch it from the original source.
  3. Use a caching library or framework: If you're building a web application, you can use a caching library or framework like Redis or Memcached to cache the response from This will store the response in a cache store, and subsequent requests will be served from the cache instead of fetching the original response.

Please note that caching may not be suitable for all use cases, and you should consider factors like cache invalidation, cache expiration, and security when implementing caching in your application.