Cac act new amendment 2018

You're referring to the 2018 amendments to the California Community College (CCC) Act!

The California Community Colleges Act (CCC Act) is a state law that governs the California Community College system. In 2018, the California Legislature passed several amendments to the CCC Act, which went into effect on January 1, 2019. Here are some key changes:

  1. Increased Funding: The amendments increased funding for the CCC system by $100 million annually, starting in 2019-2020. This funding is intended to support student success initiatives, such as expanded mental health services, student support programs, and workforce development.
  2. Student Success and Support Program: The amendments established the Student Success and Support Program (SSSP), which provides funding for colleges to implement evidence-based student success strategies, such as early alert systems, academic advising, and mentorship programs.
  3. Mental Health Services: The amendments required colleges to provide mental health services to students, including counseling, therapy, and crisis intervention. Colleges must also develop policies and procedures for responding to student mental health crises.
  4. Student Data Collection and Analysis: The amendments required colleges to collect and analyze data on student outcomes, including student success rates, completion rates, and job placement rates. This data will be used to inform college decision-making and improve student outcomes.
  5. Workforce Development: The amendments emphasized the importance of workforce development and required colleges to develop programs that align with local workforce needs. Colleges must also provide training and support for students in high-demand fields, such as healthcare, technology, and advanced manufacturing.
  6. Online and Distance Education: The amendments encouraged colleges to expand online and distance education offerings, including online courses, degree programs, and certification programs.
  7. Faculty and Staff Development: The amendments required colleges to provide professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, including training on student success strategies, mental health awareness, and cultural competence.
  8. College Governance: The amendments clarified the roles and responsibilities of college governing boards, including the Board of Governors, and established new requirements for college governance structures.

These amendments aim to improve student success, increase college completion rates, and better prepare students for the workforce.