Cabo snoop 2018 new song

You're looking for a new song from Cabo Snoop, a popular Mexican rapper, released in 2018!

After some research, I found a few songs from Cabo Snoop that might match what you're looking for:

  1. "Vamos a la Playa" (feat. Snoop Dogg) - This song was released in June 2018 and features a collaboration with the legendary Snoop Dogg. The song is a fun, upbeat track with a catchy chorus and a laid-back vibe.
  2. "La Gozadera" - This song was released in August 2018 and has a more energetic and danceable beat. The lyrics are about living life to the fullest and enjoying the good times.
  3. "Mi Vida" - This song was released in October 2018 and has a more introspective tone. The lyrics are about reflecting on one's life and the importance of living in the present moment.

These are just a few examples, but Cabo Snoop has a large discography, so there might be other songs from 2018 that you'd enjoy. Let me know if you'd like more recommendations or specific information about these songs!